Sorry but here's a mini-series about Reese for my Parents =)
Reese has discovered his tongue and loves to stick it out. ;p
I'm amazed he doesn't accidently bite it while he jumps.
He's also learned how to "Phbbbbbt" with his lips (I taught him ;). At first when I'd do it, he'd try and copy by whispering "buh buh buh". But now he can sputter his lips pretty good, and Edward said he did it today while he was feeding him some baby food. (Edward's not as thrilled as I am about this new skill Reese has developed, since it sprayed him pretty good). Perhaps I'll post a video sometime after he's perfected it a bit. You might be wondering why I would teach him such a thing...well, it started out as a game. Reese would chew and slobber on some random object and then when it was super drippy with drool he'd offer to "share" it with me by holding it up to my mouth. I'd shake my head, stick my tongue out and sputter my lips. No thanks. He thought this was hilarious and would laugh and try and stick it in my mouth again. He was equally fascinated with my lip sputtering, and a pretty quick learner.
Reese enjoys taking showers and likes to try and drink the water.
At night if he's fighting sleeping, sometimes I'll hop in the shower with him for just a minute. He'll monkey cling to me and as soon as the warm water hits his back he completely relaxes and falls asleep. Then I can dress my clean sweet smelling boy in his pj's and tuck him in bed. =)
On Wednesdays Edward usually tends Reese while I'm working. Well last Wed Edward also had to go into work for a few hours so he took Reese with him. They came home with this fun present from Daddy!
When I am holding Reese, the balloon face is level with his, and Reese loves for me to run at it so he can head butt it across the room. =D
Reese LOVES our
big orange kitty. He laughs and squeals whenever he's near. Unfortunately Kitty is not so fond of him lately since he tends to rip out big chunks of fur. I found this toy kitty at Wal-Mart in the clearance section
(bottom shelf, buried way down under). It was marked 60% off and the only one. All the other lady shoppers were eyeballing it longingly while I debated whether or not to get it. It was in a pink girly box, and I usually don't buy Reese toys since Edward spoils him plenty, but I thought I could use it to try and teach Reese how to be more gentle and give "soft loves" to our animals.
Reese loves this toy. It "Meows" blinks and turns it's head, sticks out it's tongue, licks it's paw, and rolls over for it's belly to be scratched. It purrs no matter how much Reese manhandles it though so that's misleading.
And for the season finale, here he is trying black berries for the very first time =)