Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, July 8, 2013

Great Grandpa Shark!

Washburn Family Reunion on Lake Powell!

**Also this trip we finally blessed Hayden.  Edward performed the baby blessing (Although at 16 months he is hardly a baby anymore).  It was really nice to be able to do it with family around.  Bishop Skaggs said he'd seen a 4yr old get a baby blessing before, so for us not to worry too much about it.  Bishop Jensen was nice enough to let us do it in the hall outside his office. Hayden panicked every time we went inside a room and he saw all the men gathering around him, but out in the hall he did fine and the blessing was beautiful.  

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Kid Craft at Home-depot

Story time at the Library

Every Tuesday at 10:30am we try and make it to Wiggle Worms at the Perry Library. 
Miss Tara does an awesome job making in new and exciting every time.  
The boys favorite part is the bubbles at the end.

To check out Miss Tara's ideas visit her blog at
If I ever get the "nursery singing time leader" calling again I will definitely use some of her ideas!

Summer Fun!